IMPORTANT: Year 6 Parents and Carers; SAT's week starts on Monday 13th May 2024.

High Expectations lead to High Achievers

Internet Safety

The requirement to ensure that children and young people are able to use the internet and related communications technologies appropriately and safely is addressed as part of the wider duty of care to which all who work in schools are bound. Schools must, through their e-safety policy, ensure that they meet their statutory obligations to ensure that children and young people are safe and are protected from potential harm, both within and outside school.  The policy will also form part of the school’s protection from legal challenge, relating to the use of digital technologies.

Development / Monitoring / Review of this Policy

This e-safety policy has been developed by Achievement Lead for Computing.

The E-safety committee made up of:

Designated Safeguarding Lead:  Mrs L Tucker

Other staff trained to deal with safeguarding concerns:

  • Mrs C Maher – Deputy Safeguarding Lead
  • Mrs K Boyce– Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Safeguarding Governor:

  • Mrs J Crellin 

Anti-Bullying Champion: Mrs H Creech

E-Safety Champion: Mrs L Tucker

Pastoral Care Worker: Mrs K Boyce

E-Safety Policy